Impressing Clouds, Baltic Sea, February 16th, 2014

Warnemünde at the Baltic Sea, which is situated close to Rostock, is a very popular beach for people from Berlin and Hamburg during summer. In Rostock there is a big harbor and ferries leave regularly for Denmark and Sweden.

On February 16 a strong wind blew from the South-West, even this was nothing compared to the devastating storms in the UK and Western Europe. However weather patterns seem also here a bit unusual: there was an impressing sky the whole day, but in the afternoon a real amazing shower could be seen from the shore. The shower didn’t reach Warnemünde where only a few drops of rain fell. A shower in February isn’t so unusual but this looked more like typical April weather. It was mostly cloudy all the day but light conditions changed every minute, which made this day very interesting for every photographer.

Even there was some winter in the East of Germany this year the ice on the lakes melted very quickly and throughout February it was much too warm for the season. Furthermore their was nether a winter with lesser rain since 1996. The time-lapse video gives an idea about the dimension of the impressing shower:

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January 31, 2014: Ice On The Lake

Cold days followed my trip to the big lake in South-West Berlin and on Friday there was partly a big ice sheet on the Wannsee. A trip with the regular ferry from the eastside of the lake to the west in the afternoon on that day became very exciting. Every few metres the surface of the lake and the ice changed. In the middle of the lake the ice was thin but as closer the ferry came to its destination the ice floes became thicker and thicker. On the westside of the lake they very really impressing.

Unlike the last three years with long lasting winters conditions changed soon and it warmed up during the weekend. When the famous Berlinale festival begins on February 6 stars and celebrities do not have to fear to freeze so much since temperatures will rise and even the nights are still cold there are no new extremes to be expected.

Unlike other European regions like England, France or Slowenia which have to face extreme weather conditions the North-East of Germany is very quiet with friendly weather these days. We hope for the best for other parts of Europe.

The cold days with the ice-sheet was a great opportunity for the Berlin public transport services to show the capabilities of their new ferry which makes journeys not only very comfortable and has a lot of space now for many passengers but proved to be a real ice-breaker.

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